A Previvor and Lynch Syndrome Advocate

By Lauren DeMello

I was 25 when I first learned what Lynch Syndrome was. My mom was tested because she was battling colon cancer for the second time. She was 56 and far from the stereotypical colon cancer patient. She tested positive for this strange syndrome none of us had heard of. As she struggled through chemo and lost her life, I remembered our last conversations. She encouraged me to get tested knowing I’d have a 50/50 chance at inheriting it. She’d said, “I want you to have the information I didn’t have. Know the cards you’ve been dealt and play your hand the best you can.”

For months I avoided the test but knew it was ultimately the right thing to do. At 25, I tested positive for Lynch Syndrome and the MSH2 gene mutation. Nearly a decade later, I’m so grateful for the information. I’ve found incredible specialists who support my ongoing screening and I feel relieved knowing I’m doing everything I can to keep myself well. I’m playing my hand the best I can. Beyond feeling a sense of self-empowerment, it’s been incredibly healing connecting with other Lynchies on social media. I’m so grateful for the community that continues to inspire me every day.


Taking My Health Into My Own Hands


I Can’t Stress Enough, The Power of Knowing What’s In Your Genes, It’s Lifesaving!